Saturday, April 14, 2007

It has been several months (almost 6) since I have posted. Things have changed and time moves on.

I have returned ... however, they all will not be on 'theology.' I will do my best to write about things that are of a different nature ... political ... personal ... etc.

So, I have written this to let you know that I am alive ... and will posting very soon ...

Also, check out the new links ...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Biblical Repentance

As I asked in my post on brokenness, "why do we not weep over our sin, and fall on our knees for grieving the heart of God - and those whom we have hurt?"
We only give lip service to change, when a desperate need for change in our action is what we need. We need to go beyond the recognition for change, we need to change our heart as well.
This is a difficult charge. We don't need Tony Robbins to aid us in change we need biblical scholars.
Check out this quote from John MacArthur, "Repentance is not just a change of mind; it is a change of heart. It is an inward response not just an inward activity but its fruit will be evident in the true believer's behavior."
"[R]repentance has intellectual, emotional, and volitional ramifications. Berkhof describes the intellectual element of repentance as “a change of view, a recognition of sin as involving personal guilt, defilement, and helplessness.” The emotional element is “a change of feeling, manifesting itself in sorrow for sin committed against a holy God.” The volitional element is “a change of purpose, an inward turning away from sin, and a disposition to seek pardon and cleansing.” (Berkhof, Systematic Theology, 486) Each of those three elements is deficient apart from the others. Repentance is a response of the total person; therefore some speak of it as total surrender."
For more on this from Pastor MacArthur, see Pulpit Magazine's post, "What is Biblical Repentance."

A Comparison of 5 Views on Theology (part 6)

The following series is meant for fun only. As the different views are explained, they will be caricatures only. As I express my view (very po-mo of me), it is a way for me to interact with all the different views out there. I invite your feedback on either my views or the traditional views.

My view will be identified as the Theology of Hope

Is There a Covenant of Works?
Covenant Theology:
God made a conditional Covenant of Works with Adam as representative for all his posterity. A Promise of life was offered on a probationary status. If Adam had kept the covenant he would have merited eternal life. Adam broke the Covenant of Works and merited eternal death for his posterity.

Historic Dispensationalism:
Most believe there was no Covenant of Works with Adam in the Garden of Eden.

Progressive Dispensationalism:

Same as HD

New Covenant Theology:
Many disagree over what God did establish with man AND if any of what He established is still abiding (i.e. Covenant of Works, etc.). NCT advocates do agree with CT on Adam as a representative for all his posterity. All believe that Adam’s sin was imputed to his posterity. All deny any type of probation or a reward for obedience.

The Theology of Hope:
Same as NCT and would add that a promise of life for obedience is not necessary because they already possessed life. Calling this relationship a Covenant of Works tends to remove grace from the picture. The Scriptures never tell us that Adam was called to earn salvation.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Video promos for the DGM Conferance

Desiring God Ministires has made the following video interviews available:

Check out Driscoll . . .

John Piper
Why this topic? (4 min)
What is the nature of postmodernism? (3 min)
What are some effects of postmodernism? (4 min)
Why you should come to this conference (8 min)

Mark Driscoll
Emerging vs. Emergent
Seeker vs. Missional—Part One
Seeker vs. Missional—Part Two
Biblical Principles and Cultural Methods
Style in Ministry
The Importance of Theology
The Need for Cultural Immersion
Relating to Sinners
Developing Young Leaders in the Church
Church Planting, Innovation, and Male Leadership
Cultural Values and the Preaching of Repentance
Christian Culture vs. Biblical Culture
The Decline of Denominations
Worldliness and Culture
Issues of Worldliness
The Messiness of the Church
The Church Creating Culture

Tim Keller
The Scripture as Foundation
Is the Bible Culturally Conditioned?
Missional vs. Evangelistic
Is Redeemer Church ‘Emergent’?
Characteristics of a Missional Church
Preaching and the Missional Church
Being Salt & Light in Culture
The Gospel, Moralism, and Irreligion
The Importance of Doctrine
Theological Training
Publicity and Redeemer Church

David Wells
The Intrusiveness of Culture
Postmodernity Defined
Religious Pluralism in America
Emergent vs. Traditional and Seeker
Intellectual vs. Popular Postmodernism
The "Autonomous Self"
Church Consumerism - Part One
Church Consumerism - Part Two
On Technology
Worldliness Defined
On Preaching
Suffering and the Church

Audio for the DGM Conferance (Sep. 29 – Oct. 1, 06)

Desiring God Ministries has posted the audio from their latest conference: Above all Earhtly Powers, Christ in a Postmodern World.

The following is right from their web site:

The Supremacy of Christ and Joy in a Postmodern World
John Piper
Read Listen

The Supremacy of Christ and Truth in a Postmodern World
Voddie Baucham
Read Listen

The Supremacy of Christ and the Gospel in a Postmodern World
Tim Keller
Read Listen

The Supremacy of Christ and the Church in a Postmodern World
Mark Driscoll
Read Listen

Speaker Panel
Justin Taylor, Voddie Baucham, John Piper, Don Carson, David Wells
Read Listen

The Supremacy of Christ and Love in a Postmodern
Don Carson
Read Listen

A Conversation with the Pastors
Justin Taylor, John Piper, Tim Keller, Mark Driscoll
Read Listen

The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World
David Wells
Read Listen

Friday, October 06, 2006

Connecting Scripture to Sigmund Freud to CS Lewis to John Piper

Have you ever read somthing and said to yourself, "that's is really good."

Well this following paper by Jennifer Romanski falls into that category. In this paper Jennifer compares Lewis, Frued and Piper.

She wrote this for school at UF and has subsequently posted it on her blog, Embracing a Humble Orthodoxy.

It is in three parts, check it out:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

A Comparison of 5 Views on Theology (part 5)

The following series is meant for fun only. As the different views are explained, they will be caricatures only. As I express my view (very po-mo of me), it is a way for me to interact with all the different views out there. I invite your feedback on either my views or the traditional views.

My view will be identified as the Theology of Hope

Is There a Covenant of Redemption?
Covenant Theology:
Yes. The eternal Covenant of Redemption was within the Trinity to effect the election of God’s covenant people.

Historic Dispensationalism:
The general consensus is that there was no eternal Covenant of Redemption within the Trinity, to effect election. Some of the old Dispensationalists did believe in a Covenant of Redemption.

Progressive Dispensationalism:
PD is divided over this subject. Some agree with CT; some agree with HD

New Covenant Theology:
NCT is also divided over this subject. Many NCT enthusiasts prefer Biblical language in reference to any action of God “before time” – the Scripture designates God’s intentions before time as an “eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Clearly, before history, God “purposed” to glorify His Son in history

The Theology of Hope:
Would agree with NCT and would add that this eternal purpose is a declaration of the will and purpose of the Triune God toward His chosen people, mediated to us in the Son, attested to in the Holy Scriptures, worked in us by a supernatural moving of the Holy Spirit. This was sealed in the blood of Christ (cf. Acts 20:28) and guaranteed by His resurrection.

A Comparison of 5 Views on Theology (part 4)

The following series is meant for fun only. As the different views are explained, they will be caricatures only. As I express my view (very po-mo of me), it is a way for me to interact with all the different views out there. I invite your feedback on either my views or the traditional views.

My view will be identified as the Theology of Hope

View of God’s Redemptive Work
Covenant Theology:

The covenants revealed in Scripture are different administrations of the Covenant of Grace – they are not separate. All of which were derived from the eternal covenant that the Trinity made in eternity.

1) Covenant of Works (creation) with Adam
2) Covenant of Grace with Christ on behalf of the elect (excluding the covenant of works)
3) Covenant of Redemption (some distinguish between Covenant of Redemption with Christ and Covenant of Grace with the elect)

Historic Dispensationalism:
There are Seven Dispensations which mark off periods of time during which God’s specific demands of man differ.
1) Innocence (pre-Fall)
2) Conscience (Adam)
3) Human Government (Noah)
4) Promise (Abraham)
5) Law (Moses)
6) Grace (Christ’s First Coming)
7) Kingdom (Christ’s Second Coming)

Progressive Dispensationalism:
For PD there are Four Dispensations:

1) Patriarchal (Adam to Mt. Sinai)
2) Mosaic (Mt. Sinai to ascension of Messiah)
3) Ecclesial (Church – Ascension to Second Coming of Christ
4) Zionic (Subdivided into 2 phases – Part 1: Millennium, Part: 2 Eternal State.)

New Covenant Theology:
NCT is divided over this subject.
God’s plan of salvation is revealed and administered through the unfolding of biblical covenants in the flow of redemptive history, not through the theologically deduced system of CT’s Redemption schema. All believe that the Mosaic Covenant was with the nation of Israel alone. The New Covenant is the culmination of God’s redemptive plan and fulfills all preceding Covenants.

The Theology of Hope:
Same as NCT but also agrees with CT that the eternal covenant or purpose is the foundation for God’s redemptive plan.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Tim Keller Speaks on the Tragedy of 9/11

Check out Tim Keller's amazing address given on September 10th, 2006.

Tim Keller is pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York, NY. They have an amazing e-newletter on church planting and other related issues called The Movement.

The transcript, SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE AND PEACE FOR 9-11 VICTIMS’ FAMILIES (Ground Zero/St Paul’s Chapel) is found at Steve McCoy's blog, Reformissionary.

The White House, who liked it, transcribed it and sent it to the Keller's because president Bush (who was present) asked Karl Rove for a written copy.

For resourses by Tim Keller click HERE.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Do Men and Women Worship Differently?

Do Men and Women Worship Differently?

I believe you will find this post very interesting. It was posted by Bob Kauflin on his blog, Worship Matters.

This post is the second in a series on biblical manhood and womanhood.
The first was on biblical manhood.

Stay tuned for more.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Non-Cessationism and John Piper

Pastor John Piper has been preaching for more than a decade that we should not "dismiss the so-called sign-gifts to quickly.” He is not merely suggesting that we be “open but cautious” (as would Wayne Grudem) but rather to "eagerly desire and cry out to God for an impartation of the Holy Spirit and all His gifts."
Although he does not describe himself as a Charismatic or Pentecostal, he very clearly supports a “continuationist position” (as would Sovereign Grace Ministries). Back in Feruary of 91', Pastor Piper had this to say:
I [believe] that ‘signs and wonders’ and all the spiritual gifts of 1 Corinthians 12:8-10 are valid for today and should be ‘earnestly desired’ (1 Corinthians 14:1) for the edification of the church and the spread of the Gospel . . . I want to argue . . . that the New Testament teaches that spiritual gifts (including the more obviously supernatural or revelatory ones like prophecy and tongues) will continue until Jesus comes. The use of such gifts (miracles, faith, healings, prophecy, etc.) give rise to what may sometimes be called ‘signs and wonders’ . . . There is no text in the New Testament that teaches the cessation of these gifts. But more important than this silence is the text that explicitly teaches their continuance until Jesus comes, namely, 1 Corinthians 13:8-12 . . . verse 10 can be paraphrased, ‘When Christ returns, the imperfect will pass away.’ And since ‘the imperfect’ refers to spiritual gifts like prophecy and knowledge and tongues, we may paraphrase further, ‘When Christ returns, then prophecy and knowledge and tongues will pass away from Signs and Wonders, Then and Now, emphasis added).
A year before this (90') Pastor Piper preached that, I confess that as far as I can remember there has been no question in all my preaching ministry that has caused me more heart-wrenching uncertainty. I sit at my desk with my head in my hands and plead with the Lord, on the one hand, 'Oh, Lord, if there is a wind of true, Biblical, spiritual power blowing in our day with signs and wonders and healing and prophecy, forbid that I should stand in the way! . . . Make me the leader you want me to be for the greatest blessing of this church, and the greatest missionary effectiveness.' But then, on the other hand I pray, 'Oh, Lord, forbid that we should lose our Biblical bearings; forbid that we become trendy or faddish and begin to substitute the sand of experience for the rock of revealed truth. Show us the fullness of the power of the gospel, Lord, and keep us from preoccupation with secondary things, no matter how spectacular (Are Signs and Wonders for today?; this is part of a fourteen-part sermon series on the gifts entitled, Are Signs and Wonders for Today?).
Recently (8/20/06) he summarized his position again in a sermon entitled, By Signs and Wonders (emphasis added): Should we be expecting the same miraculous confirmations of our witnessing [evangelism] today? My answer is yes, but not in the same measure that the apostles experienced this miraculous power . . . God intends to bless his word and his people with miracles in our day — extraordinary works of divine power that go beyond the laws of nature . . . when the Lord Jesus returns to heaven and the apostles have laid the foundation of the church in the New Testament and are taken off the scene, I think what we have is not a de-supernatualized religion. Not at all! The Holy Spirit has been poured out, and he is still fully capable of doing signs and wonders . . . [and] not to ask for them seems to me to be more secularistic and naturalistic than biblical.
For more on this, check out the following article by Jeff Purswell, Empowered by the Spirit: Room for Differing Views.