Sunday, October 08, 2006

Video promos for the DGM Conferance

Desiring God Ministires has made the following video interviews available:

Check out Driscoll . . .

John Piper
Why this topic? (4 min)
What is the nature of postmodernism? (3 min)
What are some effects of postmodernism? (4 min)
Why you should come to this conference (8 min)

Mark Driscoll
Emerging vs. Emergent
Seeker vs. Missional—Part One
Seeker vs. Missional—Part Two
Biblical Principles and Cultural Methods
Style in Ministry
The Importance of Theology
The Need for Cultural Immersion
Relating to Sinners
Developing Young Leaders in the Church
Church Planting, Innovation, and Male Leadership
Cultural Values and the Preaching of Repentance
Christian Culture vs. Biblical Culture
The Decline of Denominations
Worldliness and Culture
Issues of Worldliness
The Messiness of the Church
The Church Creating Culture

Tim Keller
The Scripture as Foundation
Is the Bible Culturally Conditioned?
Missional vs. Evangelistic
Is Redeemer Church ‘Emergent’?
Characteristics of a Missional Church
Preaching and the Missional Church
Being Salt & Light in Culture
The Gospel, Moralism, and Irreligion
The Importance of Doctrine
Theological Training
Publicity and Redeemer Church

David Wells
The Intrusiveness of Culture
Postmodernity Defined
Religious Pluralism in America
Emergent vs. Traditional and Seeker
Intellectual vs. Popular Postmodernism
The "Autonomous Self"
Church Consumerism - Part One
Church Consumerism - Part Two
On Technology
Worldliness Defined
On Preaching
Suffering and the Church

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